Since it was a long jeepney ride home, I started browsing my FB account to pass up the time. It was there that I found out that the results of the recent Mechanical Engineering Board Exam were just released. This was evidenced by a slew of congratulatory posts in my FB feed. It's not that I care about him still, but my curiosity got better of me...
A few presses on my phone then a mighty long press of the enter key... Google populated the websites showing the results of the exam.
I chose the top link and I jumped to the website. I began skimming all the 'A' surnames until I reached the last one. His surname was nowhere to be found. "Guess he failed.", I surmised. But still there was a part of me that was skeptical. "Baka naman hindi sya nagexam?"
So just to quell my doubts, I searched for the room assignment link in google. I downloaded the pdf file containing the information that I need. The first file I got was the assignments in the Manila venue. His name was not there. Moving on the 2nd file, I checked the Baguio venue and instantly I saw his name.
I just want to echo what I said in the last time he failed. "Hindi mo ako pedeng sisihin dyan. Wala akong ginagawa. Wala na kaming kuneksyon."